CSI operates as the Administrative Unit (AU) with authority for oversight and legal compliance for the delivery of Special Education services to students with disabilities. Each Institute school is responsible for meeting all Federal and State Special Education Laws.
Special Education Law refers to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA or IDEIA) and the Colorado Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA) and related charter school laws pertaining to special education.
CSI seeks to ensure its resources are as accessible as possible. If you experience any difficulty in accessing a webpage or resource, please reach out to Communications_CSI@csi.state.co.us or 303-866-3299.
Nick Stachokus
Director of Special Education(720) 990-1240
General Processes & Procedures
This section provides various procedural and guidance documents and forms related to Special Education staffing, students, human resources, and IEP development procedures. The hyperlinks go to documents, presentations, and websites intended to support Special Educators and related staff with various queries. Information not found, but needed, should be requested directly from the Special Education Coordinator assigned to your school.
- Special Education Human Resource Handbook
- Vacant Personnel Action Form
- IDEA Instructor Form [docx]
- CORE Procedures Manual [by topic] [searchable]
- CORE Manual Training [slides]
- Special Education Coordinator Comprehensive Handbook [pdf]
- Legal and Compliance Trends in Special Education [slides] [recording]
- School Age IEPs: Quality and Compliance [slides] [recording]
- Transition IEPs: Quality and Compliance [pptx]
- IEP Compliance Reviews [slides] [recording]
- IEP Process & Procedures [pdf]
- New Enrollment and Transfer Students [slides]
- SPED Enrollment Procedures [pdf]
- IEP Amendment Training [slides] [recording]
- Writing Standards-Aligned IEPs and ALPs [pdf]
- CSI Special Education Program Support Review [docx]
Topical Processes & Procedures
This section will allow you to locate important processes and procedures directly related to compliance and IEP development. You will find information related to important measures for discipline as well as how to correctly provide research-based interventions as a part of a referral process within Tier 2.
- Special Education Eligibility Resources
- Eligibility Determination Training [slides] [recording]
- Manifestation Determination Reviews [slides] [recording]
- From MTSS to Special Education Determination [slides] [recording]
- Monitoring Student Progress [slides] [recording]
- CSI Preschool Special Education Guidance [pdf]
- Prior Written Notice Guidance [pdf]
- Records Guidance [docx]
- Grade Retention Guidance [docx]
- Transition IEP Resources [pdf]
CSI In Person Training Resources
Click to download slides
- Collaborating with Paraprofessionals and General Educators
- Comprehensive Evaluation Best Practices
- How to Setup as a Case Manager
- How to Write Better IEP Goals through Adjustments and Progress Monitoring
- IEP Meeting Facilitation Tips
- IEP Meeting Tips & Resources
- Manifestation Determination Reviews Best Practices
- Multilingual Learners and Special Education Evaluation Best Practices
- Prior Written Notice Best Practices
- Progress Monitoring and Service Delivery Documentation Training
- Special Education Case Manager Time Saving Tips
- Special Education Teacher Planning and Preparation
- Transition Planning: The Spirit and Letter of the Law
- Understanding Accommodations and Modifications
- What To Do With New Student Transfers
The following forms focus on supporting appropriate behaviors and extinguishing less desirable ones. We also recognize that you may use similar forms from other sources that you may find more conducive to your behavioral targets for a student(s).
Behavior Cycle Forms
Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP)
- Behavior Cycle [pdf]
- Behavior Cycle with Color Zones [pdf]
- Brief FBA Family-Directed Interview [docx]
- Completing the FACTS [pdf]
- Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) [pdf]
- Intro to Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and BIP [pdf]
- Reinforcement Inventory for Children [pdf]
- Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Facts [pdf]
- Student Directed Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Interview [docx]
- Reinforcement Inventory [pdf]
- Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Observation [pdf]
- Intro to FBA and BIP [pdf]
- Intro to Social Emotional Learning (SEL) [pdf]
Crisis Response
Sometimes our students are exhibiting behaviors and actions that may reach a level that is considered crisis in nature. To help school teams assess what level a student’s behavior exists in, we’ve compiled these helpful documents to be used as a guide to decide what needs to happen to ensure safety. As always, if you have any concerns or questions about these processes, contact your assigned Special Education Coordinator, or Mental Health Specialist, immediately.
Restraint/CPI Documents & Forms
- Annual Restraint Form [docx]
- Cover Letter for Parent Restraint [docx]
- CPI Training Solutions [pdf]
- Individual Restraint Form [docx]
- Protection of Persons from Restraint Act [docx]
- Restraint and Seclusion Effective Alternatives [pdf]
- Restraint and Seclusion Quick Notes [pdf]
- Restraint and Seclusion Summary [pdf]
- Restraint and Seclusion [slides]
- Restraint Frequently Asked Questions [docx]
- The Mandt System [pdf]
- Use of Restraint Incident Report [docx]
- Use of Restraint with Students – Parent Handout [docx]
Data and Reporting
This section provides topical as well as specific guidance around our use of data, and how it is submitted in cycles throughout the year. Also, Student Information Systems used by our schools are described and may be used as a guide to help decide which is most useful to your school.
- December Count Data Submissions Training – General Overview [pptx]
- Special Education End of Year Training [slides] [recording]
Student Information Systems
Plan Management Systems
Special Education Staff Orientation
New staff are highly encouraged to attend our annual new staff orientation. If you are not able to, please consider viewing the recordings for each of the two sections listed below.
A key to the success of our staff and students is the tireless work of Para Educators! How do we maximize their potential? Please see the series of informational trainings found in the links below. This series can be viewed by both Special Education teaching staff and Para Educators.