Assessment accommodation resources are organized by assessment below. Resources are for the 2022-2023 school year.
Kali Winn
Assessment Coordinator
(303) 532-7403
CMAS Accommodations
CSI Data Dashboard
The CSI Data Dashboard is an interactive Tableau tool that supports school leaders by providing data to better understand and access student data. The dashboard has been updated with student enrollment data from the 2024-25 October Count data release and school leaders now have access to their individual school data as well as schools nearby, schools in the geographic district, the geographic district, and the state. The data is accessible to all school users with a Tableau Online account who also have the necessary permissions to access the data. For additional information on the data dashboard, review the guide below. Also, the academic deep dive and comparison data has also been updated to include data from 2023-24. Other updates are planned for the next few months.
All users who have previously accessed the data dashboard can access the most current data. Previous versions of the dashboard do not include the updated data, and all users should access the data through this link.
Please reach out to Ryan Marks with any questions about the dashboard or any issues accessing the data.
Ryan Marks
Chief of Authorizing and Accountability
- Guide to CSI Data Dashboard [docx]
UIP Handbook (streamlined template)
Accommodations provide equitable access to the education environment and curriculum during instruction and assessments for students with documented needs. For access to the training module and PowerPoint slides, please contact Kali Winn
CSI seeks to ensure its resources are as accessible as possible. If you experience any difficulty in accessing a resource, please reach out to
Kali Winn
Assessment Coordinator
(303) 532-7403
- WIDA Accessibility and Accommodations Manual
- ACCESS Online Accommodations Checklist
- ACCESS Paper Accommodations Checklist
- Alternate ACCESS Accommodations Checklist
- Kindergarten ACCESS Accommodations Checklist
- ACCESS Emergency Accommodation Form
- Scribe for Writing Domain UAR
- ACCESS Scribe Guidance [pdf]
- ACCESS Scribe UAR Form [pdf]
- CMAS and CoAlt Procedures Manual Section 6.0
- CSLA Eligibility Flowchart
- ELA Policy Q&A
- Speech to Text and Word Prediction Security Agreement [pdf]
- Scribe for Constructed Response (ELA/CSLA) UAR:
- CMAS Scribe Guidance [pdf]
- CMAS Scribe UAR Form [pdf]
- Calculation Device on Non-Calculator Sections (Math) UAR:
- CMAS Calculator Guidance [pdf]
- CMAS Calculator UAR Form [pdf]
- Math Charts and Counters on Non-Calculator Sections (Math) UAR:
Resources coming soon
Enrich File Extraction Instructions
Food Assistance Resources in Colorado
- SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency.
- SNAP-Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education) provides nutrition education for SNAP recipients. SNAP-Ed teaches participants how to buy and prepare healthy foods on a budget, motivates people to increase physical activity, and make positive and healthy changes in the environments where families live.
- The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federally funded U.S. Department of Agriculture program that provides USDA foods to low-income households.
- Colorado P-EBT are debit cards that are issued to provide additional funds for families to buy food when schools are out of session.
- The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy food, health referrals and other services free of charge to Colorado families who qualify.
- Hunger Free Colorado Food Finder is where you’ll find information on community resources, food and nutrition programs, and other public benefits designed to support you and your loved ones in your local area! This resource can help find local Food Pantries, Soup Kitchens, and Congregate Meal sites (including Summer Meals sites which provide no cost meals and snacks to children during the summer months and long school vacations).
- 211 Colorado is another resource to search for Emergency Food, Community Meals, and Special Nutrition Needs by Location.
- Project Angel Heart (PAH) prepares and delivers medically tailored meals to people living with life-threatening illnesses free of charge. PAH delivers within a 640-square mile region of metropolitan Denver (within the E-470/C-470 loop border and west into Golden) and a 164-square mile region in Colorado Springs. They also ship meals to rural Coloradans eligible to receive meals.
- Everyday Eats (also known as Commodity Supplemental Food Program) where participants can pick up a monthly package of cereal, canned goods and dairy with plenty of low-sodium, diabetic-friendly options to make nutritious, complete meals. Eligibility includes age of 60 years or older, Colorado Resident, as well as must meet income guidelines.