Process Overview

Proposed Budget

A proposed budget must be submitted to the school’s board prior to June 1st.

Annual Budget

Schools are required to adopt a board approved budget by June 30 for each year. This June 30 deadline includes the submission of:

    1. A detailed budget,
    2. The budget in the CDE uniform budget summary format, and
    3. An appropriation resolution.

Please see the Budget Resources for samples and templates.

Amended Budget

Schools are required to adopt an amended budget by January 31 of each year if expenditures will be more than adopted budget appropriation. This January 31 deadline includes the submission of:

    1. A detailed budget (which would now include final prior year actuals instead of the estimates provided with adopted budgets),
    2. The budget in the CDE uniform budget summary format, and
    3. An updated appropriation resolution.

Supplemental Budget

A supplemental budget is intended to be used if money for a specific purpose subsequently becomes available to meet a contingency, which is essentially an event which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of the adoption of the original or amended budgets. Supplemental Budgets can be submitted from February 1 until June 30 of each year.


Budget Resources

The following resources can support schools in drafting and adopting a compliant budget.

  • Sample Annual Detailed Budget [xlsx] – This template can be used by schools when developing a detailed budget.
  • Uniform Budget Summary [xlsx]– In addition to the detailed budget, the budget submission must include the budget in this format provided by CDE. The most recent version is provided on the CDE webpage under Statutory Compliance and Reporting.
  • Notice of Budget [docx]– Within ten days after the submission of the proposed budget to the board, the school must publish a notice that the proposed budget is on file and state the date, time and place specified when the charter school’s board will consider adoption of the proposed budget.
  • Adopted Budget Checklist [xlsx]– This checklist can be used to ensure the adopted budget complies with all requirements.
  • Sample Appropriation Resolution [xlsx]– This sample resolution can be used by school boards when adopting a budget for the coming year.
  • Sample Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution [docx]– If the school budget estimates the use of beginning fund balance, the school MUST adopt a separate Use of Beginning Fund balance resolution. The resolution must state the amount of beginning fund balance approved to spend, how the funds will be spent, and an explanation of why this won’t lead to an ongoing deficit.


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