School districts across the country are receiving American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funds to help address COVID-19 recovery.
What is ESSER III Funding?
ESSER III is federal funding that must be used to meet needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds support one-time or short-term expenditures to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic. The funding is intended to:
Safely reopen and sustain the operation of schools, and
Address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students in areas such as learning loss and mental health supports.
How much ESSER III funding are we receiving?
CSI has been allocated $14.2 million in ESSER III funds. From that funding, $12.9 million will be distributed directly to CSI schools to address school-level needs. $1.3 million (1%) will be retained by CSI to provide increased supports to all CSI schools.
How long do we have to use ESSER III funding?
These are one-time funds that must be spent by September 2024.
Use of ESSER Funds Plan
- 2023-2024 Use of Funds Update [pptx]
- April 2022 Fund Use Update [pdf]
Safe Return to In-Person Learning Plan