Updated 6/17/21

CDE Remote Learning Options for 2021-2022

As CDE 100% Remote Learning Option and Temporary Remote Learning Option guidance indicates, schools have the option to offer one or more of the three following remote learning flexibilities:

1. 100% remote learning option: Refers to a 100% remote learning option implemented by the school to families who, because of public health and safety measures or precautions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, do not want their student(s) to receive in-person learning for the duration of a term as defined by the school. Utilizing this option should be an exception and exclusively based on parent choice due to COVID-related health concerns.

2. As-needed hybrid option: Refers to traditional educational settings (i.e., brick-and-mortar schools) that are implementing a combination of both in-person and remote learning at the student level because of public health and safety measures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Hybrid learning is not meant to include regular or pre-scheduled remote learning days in the school or district calendar. Rather, it is intended to be used to respond on an as-needed basis to the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. As-needed and temporary remote learning option: Refers to short term/temporary instances when students are quarantined due to COVID-19 exposure/illness, or shift to 100% remote learning as a result of an executive order or local public health order suspending in-person learning, county COVID-19 dial levels indicate higher risk, or other types of locally-determined precautions related to COVID-19.

CSI School Remote Learning Requirements

Given the uncertainties for the 2021-2022 school year, CSI is requiring all schools to have a contingency plan should hybrid and/or remote learning options need to be used in response to COVID-19. In order to access any or all of the three remote learning options for 2021-2022, CDE has outlined a variety of instructional, audit, and data reporting assurances and related documentation that must be submitted by schools and CSI. Therefore, CSI schools must fulfill the following requirements by the deadlines set forth below to ensure access to remote learning flexibilities for the 2021-2022 school year.

Submission Deadline Resources For Additional Support
2021-22 Board-Approved Calendar and Bell Schedule  Due June 15, 2021 CSI’s Annual School Calendar Submission Guidance Submissions_CSI@csi.state.co.us
2021-22 School Board Policy  Due June 15, 2021 Sample Board Resolution legalandpolicy_csi@csi.state.co.us
2021-22 Remote Learning Assurances  Due June 15, 2021 CDE’s 100% Remote Learning Option Guidance (assurances pulled directly from original CDE guidance)   Submissions_CSI@csi.state.co.us
2021-22 Remote Learning Plan Due August 16, 2021 Optional Remote Learning Plan Template CSI School Support Contact

More details about these requirements, including how to submit them through the Google Classroom, can be found in the CSI Guidance for Implementing Remote Learning in 2021-2022.   

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