HB 24-1323 mandates that public schools, including charter schools, allow students to wear recognized objects of cultural or religious significance as an adornment during the student’s graduation ceremony. This is permitted as long as the students comply with...
Charter School Compliance with HB21-1110 – Colorado’s Law for Persons with Disabilities Effective July 1, 2024, it is required for all charter schools to adhere to the regulations outlined in HB21-1110. HB21-1110 makes it a state civil rights violation for...
During the 2022 and 2023 legislative sessions, two bills were signed into law impacting mandatory school policies and practices around physical intervention, restraints and seclusion of students. In 2023 House Bill 23-1191 was passed, explicitly prohibiting corporal...
CSI is committed to honoring families’ private medical decisions while providing a learning environment free of disruption. The CSI Board’s Access to Medically Necessary Treatment at School policy addresses how a student who has a prescription from a qualified...
Accommodations provide equitable access to the education environment and curriculum during instruction and assessments for students with documented needs. For access to the training module and PowerPoint slides, please contact Kali Winn CSI seeks to ensure its...
The Colorado Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is a statewide program that provides survivors of stalking, sexual assault, and domestic violence with a legal substitute address and mail forwarding. Under Colorado law, all state and local government agencies must...
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency. SNAP-Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education) provides...
MAP Suite of Assessments MAP Growth MAP Reading Fluency MAP Accelerator Learn more about MAP Support (877) 469-3287 Chat with an agent Setup/Preparation Accommodations and Accessibility Logins Video Tutorials Administration For Proctors Assessment Coordination Guide...
Star Suite of Assessments Star Reading (K-12) Star Math (K-12) Star Early Literacy (Pre K-3) Star CBM Star CBM Lectura (K-6) Star Custom Star Spanish Learn more about STAR Support support@renaissance.com (800) 338-4204 Setup/Preparation Implementation Toolkit...
DIBELS ® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of literacy skills. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures that can be used to regularly detect risk and monitor the...
Aligned to CSI’s mission to foster high-quality public school choices with a focus on closing the opportunity gap, we continue to develop our early learning initiatives to improve outcomes for our youngest students. CSI aims to support school leaders and school staff...
Implementing restorative practices in a school community can have significant impact in student response to discipline, attendance, bullying and the overall wellness of the school community. Successful implementation requires systemic buy-in, and can change the entire...
The Wellness Toolbox is created with community in mind – to assist school communities in further connecting and learning with students in this capacity. This program offers a delivery framework and collections of content on specific topics, or themes, associated...
Wellness Ten Positive Behavior Support Strategies to Support Families at Home Asset Education At-Home Toolkit Five concrete stress-reducing tools to practice with your children Mental Health Training National Alliance on Mental Illness – Colorado Basics NAMI Basics is...
Understanding Minor Consent and Confidentiality in Colorado A guide to define mental health services in schools and parses out individual circumstances about confidentiality on sensitive topics like parental rights, student choice, abortion, and sexual relationships...
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Conference February 18-21, 2025 Seattle, WANational School Psychology Week November 4-8, 2024 Colorado Society of School Psychologists (CSSP) Annual Conference November 7-9, 2024 American School Counselor...
Hotlines Call 988 for help with any mental health crisis the same way you would use 911. View 988 Fact Sheet National Suicide Hotline I’m Alive Chat Line Your Life, Your Voice Helpline The Trevor Project Lifeline Teens Helping Teens Teenline Colorado Warmline Peer...
Languages of Care: provides translations of top-quality mental health, emotional wellness and other urgently needed documents to survivors of disasters, relief workers, and medical and mental health practitioners Child Mind Institute: Multilingual Trauma Resources...
Best Practices & Ethical Obligations of Transgender & Genderqueer Students Webinar Ethical Obligations for Transgender and Gender Queer Student Know Your Rights: A [Legal] Guide for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students (GLSEN) Model School Policy...
Early Childhood Mental Health [slides] [recording] Best Practices in Behavior & Support Plans Webinar [recording] Roles of Mental Health Professionals in MTSS [recording] Best Practices & Ethical Obligations of Transgender & Genderqueer Students...
Violence Response Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers (National Association of School Psychologists) Timeline of Activities to Promote Mental Health Recovery (National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center) Transcend (mobile app to...
Updated 3/24/2022 CDE Remote Learning Options for 2022-2023 As SY 2022-23 CDE Remote Learning Guidance indicates, schools will have the option to enact the following remote learning flexibility due to disruptions caused by the spread of COVID-19: Provide temporary...
MTSS is a prevention-based framework of team-driven, data-based problem solving to improve the outcomes of every student through family, school, and community partnering, comprehensive screening and assessment, and a layered continuum of evidence-based practices...
School districts across the country are receiving American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funds to help address COVID-19 recovery. What is ESSER III Funding? ESSER III is federal funding that must be used to meet needs...
Colorado’s labor market is evolving faster than ever. Students and job seekers are engaging in learning experiences to help them develop advanced and adaptable skill sets that are necessary to compete in the complex global marketplace. While not a new strategy,...
School Accountability Committees are responsible for making recommendations to their principal concerning priorities for spending school funds, making recommendations concerning the preparation of the school’s Performance, Improvement, Priority Improvement, or...
Fall 2021 School Gathering: Early Childhood & School Support Open Fall 2021 School Gathering: School Improvement Supports Open Fall 2021 School Gathering: SSPL Supports Open Fall 2021 School Gathering: Introduction Open Fall 2021 School Gathering: Equity Screener...
The world of work and postsecondary learning for today’s students looks vastly different than for those who graduated just a generation ago. Postsecondary education is no longer defined, for many, as a linear path towards a bachelor’s degree; upon graduation from high...
CDE Office of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Colorado Community College System (CCCS) Career and Technical Education (CTE) Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) Talent Pipeline Report Colorado Council on High School/College Relations My Colorado Journey...
A seal of biliteracy is a credential given by a Colorado school or district recognizing students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. A seal of biliteracy encourages students to pursue biliteracy skills that...
Secondary Transition is the process of preparing students for adult life after they leave high school and can be thought of as a bridge between school programs and the opportunities of adult life, including higher education or training, employment, independent living,...
Colorado’s School Counselor Corps Grant Program (SCCGP) funding is awarded to eligible school districts, BOCES, charter schools or CSI charter schools. The purpose of this program is to increase the availability of effective school-based counseling. Grant funds are...
The Career Development Incentive Program (CDIP) provides financial incentives for schools that encourage high school students, grades 9-12, to complete: Tier 1: qualified industry credential programs, pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships; Tier 2: Workplace training...
Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) are the vehicle through which Colorado students explore education and career opportunities beyond high school, reflect on their understanding of these opportunities, and plan for their postsecondary next steps. ICAP is also...
Perkins Funding The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education grant is grant funding that is awarded from the U.S. Government to the states and then allocated to various schools within Colorado state based on programs and student population numbers in the Career...
All institutions with CCCS-approved CTE programs are required to report student enrollment, student follow-up (placement), and active CTE teacher data to CCCS every year. Institutions are required to report the data even if they do NOT receive state or federal...
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs at the secondary level need to receive approval from the Colorado Community College System’s (CCCS) CTE department to be eligible for federal Perkins grants and state Colorado Technical Act (CTA) reimbursement. Approved...
Title IX states simply: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”...