Medication Administration

Pursuant to state law and CSI Board Policy, CSI schools should adopt a Medication Administration Policy permitting the possession and self-administration of medication to students attending CSI schools. The policy should also address medication administration by...


Colorado law allows schools/districts to request waivers from certain areas of state statue and rule. The purpose is to allow autonomy in areas that will enhance educational opportunity and quality. Charter schools can implement their educational mission to its full...

Program and Contract Modification

Opportunities for schools to grow and change do not always align with the contract renewal timeline. To ensure Institute schools can make changes when desired, CSI has developed a School Program and Contract Modification Process. This process provides schools with a...

Organizational Submissions & Audits

As a charter school authorizer and in line with best practice, CSI is responsible for implementing an accountability system that evaluates CSI schools’ academic, financial, and operational performance (e.g., “CARS”). As one component of measuring...


Numerous studies suggest strong links between chronic absenteeism and key indicators of performance and student success, such as academic achievement, increased graduation rates, and lower dropout rates.  Not only is regular attendance important for the growth of...


All Multilingual Learners (NEP and LEP), including students with disabilities, are required to participate in the state English language proficency assessment. There are three participation options: 1. ACCESS for ELLs without accommodations.  2. ACCESS for ELLs with...

Concurrent Enrollment & ASCENT

Concurrent Enrollment Beginning July 2022, LEPs can no longer require repayment from students who do not complete concurrent enrollment courses or earn a failing grade This includes courses taken in concurrent enrollment, ASCENT, and TREP programs Concurrent...

Career & Technical Education

Career & Technical Education (CTE) leverages workforce and education systems so that each learner has quality experiences learning about and through work, which can lead to lifelong career success.  CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and...

School Nursing and Health

CSI schools provide essential health services as required by state and federal legislation and policy. Some key elements include, but are not limited to, providing separate rooms or areas for emergency use in providing care for persons who are ill, or suspected of...

Gifted Education

The Charter School Institute (CSI) is the State’s only non-district charter school authorizer, currently authorizing 43 individual charter schools located across the State. Each CSI charter school has autonomy in developing policies and procedures for Gifted...

WIDA Screener

The WIDA Screener is the state-required assessment used to assist in the identification of students who qualify for English Language Development (ELD) programming. Per federal guidelines, K-12 students new to the school with a primary or home language other than...

McKinney-Vento Homeless Act

Requirement Statutory Reference CSI/State Oversight Train staff member as McKinney-Vento Liaison.​ McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Title IX, Part A of ESSA) CSI monitors attendance at MKV training.​ Identify students who qualify for MKV eligibility and submit...

Educator Qualifications and Induction Programs

No Results Found The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post. No Results Found The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the...

Multilingual Learners (MLs)

CSI Schools must provide evidence-based English language proficiency programs for Multilingual Learners to enable them to develop and acquire English language proficiency while achieving and maintaining grade-level performance in academic content areas. Contact Rachel...

Special Education

CSI operates as the Administrative Unit (AU) with authority for oversight and legal compliance for the delivery of Special Education services to students with disabilities. Each Institute school is responsible for meeting all Federal and State Special Education Laws....


Coming Soon Contact Kali WinnAssessment Coordinator(303) Setup/Preparation Administration Data/Results Return to Assessments...


Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) is Colorado’s standards-based assessment designed to measure the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS). CMAS indicates the degree to which students have mastered the expectations of the CAS in each content area at the end...

Section 504

The terms “504” and “Section 504” refer to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which protects people with disabilities against discrimination.  CSI serves as the AU responsible for ensuring charter school compliance with applicable...

Unified Improvement Planning (UIP)

Requirement​ Statutory reference​ CSI/State oversight ​ Unified Improvement Plan Submission​ The Education Accountability Act of 2009 requires each Colorado district and school to create an annual improvement plan​ Annual (or biennial if school qualifies) plans...

Board Governance

School Board Governance Library CSI places significant emphasis on the value of strong and effective school governing boards. To this end, CSI strives to provide governing boards with tools and resources to assist them in meeting board member expectations. Monthly...

School Programs

School Programs Library The CSI School Programs Team is responsible for overseeing the provision of services for all special populations and uses its Equity Screener and related Tiers of Support to fulfill this responsibility. Search for: Health & Wellness Mental...

Legal and Policy

Legal and Policy Library The CSI Legal & Policy Team offers general legal and policy support to CSI schools, manages the charter contract process, monitors compliance of CSI schools, and develops and revises CSI policies. Contact:...


Finance & Operations Library The CSI Finance & Operations Team manages CSI’s internal financial and human resources operations as well as providing financial oversight, monitoring, and support to CSI schools. Search for: School Food Authority Finance &...
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