The purpose of the Student Biographical Data (SBD) review is to allow districts the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the demographic data submitted for each student participating in the assessment. The review process takes place after the test window has closed and before all assessments have been scored and final results made available.

Participation in these collections is optional; however, CSI strongly encourages it because of the impact of this data on accountbility reporting.

If your school chooses to participate in the SBD but does not meet the deadlines for the submissions (or is unavailable during the review window), CSI will send your school a notice confirming your non-participation and your inability to appeal your framework rating as a consequence. Please note, CSI reserves the right to modify data in order to ensure that the file can be completed and submitted for those schools who fail to respond, as all errors must be cleared for all schools in order to submit and approve the file.

State and Federal accountability reporting (including school and district performance framework ratings, Title III AMAOs, and priority and focus school designations) all rely on accurate demographic and test score data. Therefore, your school’s decision to participate or not has profound consequences. Your school should be aware that performance framework requests for reconsideration or AMAO appeals will not be heard unless your school participates in the Student Biographical Data collections.

For questions or support, please email


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