Career & Technical Education (CTE) leverages workforce and education systems so that each learner has quality experiences learning about and through work, which can lead to lifelong career success. CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and...
Concurrent Enrollment Beginning July 2022, LEPs can no longer require repayment from students who do not complete concurrent enrollment courses or earn a failing grade This includes courses taken in concurrent enrollment, ASCENT, and TREP programs Concurrent...
Colorado Graduation Requirements (aka “Graduation Guidelines”) are a road map to help students and their families plan for success after high school. To graduate from high school in Colorado students must complete the following state-level, minimum graduation...
Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) are the vehicle through which Colorado students explore education and career opportunities beyond high school, reflect on their understanding of these opportunities, and plan for their postsecondary next steps. ICAP is also...
The Career Development Incentive Program (CDIP) provides financial incentives for schools that encourage high school students, grades 9-12, to complete: Tier 1: qualified industry credential programs, pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships; Tier 2: Workplace training...
Colorado’s School Counselor Corps Grant Program (SCCGP) funding is awarded to eligible school districts, BOCES, charter schools or CSI charter schools. The purpose of this program is to increase the availability of effective school-based counseling. Grant funds are...
Secondary Transition is the process of preparing students for adult life after they leave high school and can be thought of as a bridge between school programs and the opportunities of adult life, including higher education or training, employment, independent living,...
A seal of biliteracy is a credential given by a Colorado school or district recognizing students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. A seal of biliteracy encourages students to pursue biliteracy skills that...
CDE Office of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Colorado Community College System (CCCS) Career and Technical Education (CTE) Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) Talent Pipeline Report Colorado Council on High School/College Relations My Colorado Journey...
Colorado’s labor market is evolving faster than ever. Students and job seekers are engaging in learning experiences to help them develop advanced and adaptable skill sets that are necessary to compete in the complex global marketplace. While not a new strategy,...