Statutory References


Willyn Webb

Early Childhood & School

Support Coordinator


Requirement CSI/State Oversight
Follow CDE READ Advisory Lists when purchasing literacy programming with READ Act funds. 

Literacy Program Spring Data Collection 

Oversight of READ budgets  Allowable uses 

Administer a state board approved interim assessment to all students in grades K-3. K within first 90 days, 1-3 within first 30 days.

Administer a state board approved diagnostic assessment to students who score below the cut-score on the interim within 60 days to determine a Significant Reading Deficiency

Administer to K-3 again at End of Year 

CSI verifies approved assessments and submits the Literacy Program Spring Data Collection

CSI collects Assessment Window Dates each August.

Develop a READ plan for students identified as Significant Reading Deficient informed by the diagnostic assessment and the body of evidence as soon as practicable and monitor progress throughout the year to demonstrate progress toward the Minimum Competency Skill Levels. 

CSI Assurance

READ Plan Checklist

Complete Teacher and Administrator Training

CSI verifies documentation submitted for the Teacher and Administrator Training Report to CDE each August.

Submit Required Reports

  • K-3 Spring READ Assessment Report 
  • K-3 Literacy Programs and Assessment Report
  • Teacher and Administration Training Completion

CSI verifies accuracy and submits in order to receive a distribution of per pupil funds.

CDE  READ Act Dashboard and Literacy Curriculum Transparency Dashboard.

Follow Allowable uses for the READ Budget/narrative CSI and CDE approves the budget/narrative

READ Data Collections

READ Training Requirement

K-3 Teachers, K-3 Administrators, K-12 Interventionists, (verification due August 1)

Literacy Program & Assessment  (due May 1)

*Your individual school’s spreadsheet is in your G-Drive READ Act Folder. If you have any questions, reach out to Willyn Webb at

4-12 Cohort Data File (due on or before May 20)

*Pre-populated file in school READ Act folder on the G-Drive


K-3 READ Data File (due on or before May 20)

READ Act Resources

READ Budget

The READ Budget File is due on June 10 to

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