With the conclusion of CDE’s Charter School Program State Entities Grant ending September 30, 2024, there are some immediate changes in our existing program. CDE’s partnership with CSI in providing charter-specific support and principal induction through the Administrator Mentoring Cohort (AMC) and Principal and Administrator Induction Program will be paused starting on July 1, 2024, until further notice. During this period, we encourage interested individuals employed in a district-authorized charter school to explore professional development and induction opportunities offered through their school districts.

CSI-authorized charter schools may participate in CSI’s 2024-2025 Induction Program. The Program is aligned to the Colorado Principal/Administrator Quality Standards. It combines professional development workshops, mentoring support, and a goal setting and reflection process to meet the state-wide criteria for approved Induction Programs. Upon successful completion of the CSI Induction Program, candidates will receive a certificate of completion which is required for the CDE Application for the Professional Principal/Administrator License. To be considered for acceptance into the Program, applicants must hold a Colorado Initial Principal or Administrator License and be currently employed in a leadership role at a charter school, charter school network, or charter school support agency. 

CSI Induction Questions

Kimberly Caplan

CSI Director of School Programs

Non-CSI Induction Questions

For details on your district’s induction coordination, please contact the CDE’s Educator Talent Office at Educator_Development@cde.state.co.us

CCSP Grant Requirements Questions

Tanesha Bell

Professional Development

CSI offer a number of professional development opportunities throughout the year, including New Leader Orientation, CSI Fall Gathering and All School Leaders Gathering.  Meetings are designed with adult learner needs in mind. Topics are aligned to the school calendar to provide just-in-time training. Sessions allow for interaction with peers and also provide time for personal reflection to consider how ideas presented can strengthen leadership in your role and impact staff and student outcomes. Inductees are required to complete 16 hours of approved professional learning.


Each Induction participant selects a mentor who will provide 25-32 hours of coaching and support throughout the year. Mentors should be experienced charter school leaders who understand the Colorado charter school landscape and have a commitment to developing leadership in others. They assist participants in developing professional growth plan goals, share ideas and experiences and help Induction participants navigate the complex challenges faced by charter school leaders. Upon program completion, mentors will receive a clock hour certificate that can be used for license renewal. 

Participants can submit the name, contact information and resume of an individual with whom they already have professional relationship. CSI will review the resume and determine if the proposed mentor meets criteria for approval. Participants are encouraged to select a mentor from outside of their organization, so that they may benefit from alternate perspectives.

Growth Plan & Reflection Process

Each Induction participant is required to develop a Professional Growth Plan. Participants and their mentors review the Colorado Principal or Administrator Quality Standards and set goals to strengthen the participant’s practice in one or more of the standards. The plan also outlines action steps the participant will take to reach the goals by the end of the school year.

The Professional Growth Plan is reviewed at each mentoring meeting and used as a tool to engage in conversation about the participant’s successes and challenges. Action steps are adjusted as required.

Participants submit reports of their progress in the Program three times during the year: November, February, and May. Reports include a log of mentoring contact hours, reflections on progress toward Professional Growth Plan goals, and action steps for the next reporting period.


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