Student Conduct/Discipline

State law requires CSI schools to develop a Student Conduct and Discipline Code that is uniformly, fairly and consistently enforced for all students. Copies of the code must be provided to each student upon enrollment at the school and posted or kept on file. Schools should take reasonable measures to ensure each student is familiar with the code. The code must, at minimum, include the following:

  1. General policies on student conduct, safety and welfare: Sample Discipline Policy
  2. Policies and procedures for disruptive students: Sample Discipline Policy
  3. Provisions for the initiation of suspension or expulsion proceedings for habitually disruptive students: Sample Discipline Policy
  4. Guidelines for physical intervention: Sample Physical Intervention, Restraints and Seclusion Policy
  5. Policies for disciplinary actions, including suspension and expulsion: Sample Suspension and Expulsion of Students Policy
  6. Policy concerning gang-related activities: Sample Policy Concerning Gang-Related Activities (forthcoming)
  7. Written prohibition against weapons, drugs, and other controlled substances: Sample language (forthcoming)
  8. Written prohibition against tobacco: Sample language (forthcoming)
  9. Search Policy: Sample Search Policy (forthcoming)
  10. Dress Code Policy: Sample Dress Code Policy [docx]
  11. Bullying Policy: Sample Bullying Prevention and Education Policy (Colorado Department of Education)
  12. Information on restraints: Sample Physical Intervention, Restraints and Seclusion Policy

See CSI’s Colorado Safe Schools Act Checklist for additional information.


Stephanie Aragon

CSI Director of School Policy & Compliance

PK-2 Discipline

Out-of-school suspensions and expulsions for student in grades kindergarten through second must be administered according to state statute (C.R.S. §22-33-106.1). Students in these grades may only be suspended up to three days—and for specific reasons cited in statute—unless a longer period is necessary to resolve a safety threat, or unless the student is recommended for expulsion. For more information, see CSI’s PK-2 Discipline Advisory Bulletin [docx].

Expulsion Hearings

A school’s Discipline Policy should include due process requirements for the expulsion hearing process and set forth training expectations for expulsion hearing officers in a manner that aligns with C.R.S. 22-33-105 (as amended by HB 23-1291). The mandatory training is provided by the Colorado Department of Education. For more information, see:

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