Special Education December Count (DC) 

The Special Education December Count collection is an annual count of students qualifying for IEPs as of December 1st used to generate federal funding to provide specialized student services. Special Education December Staff Data is also required to obtain actual data on special education staff employed by administrative units on December 1st of each year so that appropriate licensure and endorsement of staff can be verified; and reports can be made to the State Legislature, Federal government, local administrative units, and the public.

For questions or support, please email submissions_CSI@csi.state.co.us

Important Announcements

All Training and Resources for the 23-24 school year will be posted on October 17th. Initial file submittals are due 11/07.

General Resources

Visit the Data Submissions Library for:

  • Data Submissions Handbook
  • Data Submissions Calendar
  • Troubleshooting Errors

File Layouts

File layouts provide guidance on the valid coding and definitions for each data element being collected and include notes specific to CSI schools.



All school submissions contacts should review relevant training prior to starting the data collection. The New This Year training is optional but encouraged for returning data contacts. 


Data Validation Resources

Data validation resources should be utilized prior to submitting initial files to CSI and throughout the collection to ensure data is comprehensive and accurate. Regularly using the data validation resources will reduce the number of updates needed at the end of the collection after receiving the Summary Report. 

System Resources

The follow resources include guidance in using your plan management system to extract special education state reporting files.

Infinite Campus


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