
Numerous studies suggest strong links between chronic absenteeism and key indicators of performance and student success, such as academic achievement, increased graduation rates, and lower dropout rates.  Not only is regular attendance important for the growth of every student, but rates of absenteeism are used in various accountability frameworks. 

State law requires schools adopt a written policy setting forth the school’s attendance requirements. The policy should, at a minimum:

  • Define excused versus unexcused absences consistent with state law;
  • Define habitual truancy and set forth procedures for working with students who are habitually truant;
  • Define chronic absenteeism and set forth procedures for working with students who are chronically absent (recommended but not required); and
  • Set forth procedures for working with students who drop out of school.

The policy cannot require mandatory withdrawal due to excessive absenteeism and must not violate the rights of students with disabilities, due process rights, or other rights afforded by state law.

Additionally, schools are required to track student attendance for state reporting and federal reporting. Attendance is also used in the state’s October Cout Audit as a factor in determining student funding eligibility.

CSI’s Attendance Guidance below provides important details regarding school attendance policies, accountability and data submissions. A sample policy is provided for use by schools.

Policy Contact: Stephanie Aragon

CSI Director of School Policy & Compliance


Accountability Contact: Ryan Marks

Chief of Authorizing & Accountability


Data Submissions Contact:

CSI Resources

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