Emergency School Closures

In the event that a school has to close for an unplanned reason (such as a snow day or a facility emergency), the school may choose to cancel classes.  

  • CSI schools should communicate such emergency closures to Submissions_CSI@csi.state.co.us. (Schools are welcome to include the CSI submissions email address in their emergency notification distribution list so they do not need to communicate emergency closure information separately to CSI.) 
  • As long as the school’s actual number of student contact days and instructional hours do not fall below the minimums defined in statute, no further action is needed. Should a school fall below the minimums, a waiver may be an option. See below for more details.

Use of Remote Learning Days for Emergency School Closures 

In certain circumstances, a school may choose to reduce the amount of time lost due to unplanned school closures by implementing a Remote Learning Option as a Result of Emergency School Closures (“Remote Learning Option”).  

  • The purpose of the Remote Learning Option is to provide schools with an alternative to cancelling or rescheduling student contact days and instructional hours in the event of unexpected emergencies which traditionally have required school closure for the entire student body. 
  • Remote Learning Option days may be used up to a maximum of five days per school year.

Requirements for Seeking to Use Remote Learning Days for Emergency School Closures 

Prior to implementing a Remote Learning Option day, CSI schools must read CDE’s guidance in its entirety and fulfill the following requirements: 

1) School Board Policy:

  • A local board of education policy or resolution that includes Remote Learning Option as a Result of Emergency School Closure.
  • Board policy, resolution, or other governance documentation that describes acceptable ways in which synchronous and asynchronous teacher-pupil instruction and contact time may occur during Remote Learning Option days. 

CSI has developed a Remote Learning as a Result of Emergency School Closure sample policy to satisfy the board policy requirements.  

2) School Plan: A plan for how a Remote Learning Option day will be implemented. This plan should include: 

  • Acceptable ways in which attendance/participation should be documented during Remote Learning Option days
  • Remote Learning Option day bell schedules, which may or may not align with the “normal” bell schedule(s) for that school* 
    • Instruction provided on Remote Learning Option days may only consist of acceptable synchronous and asynchronous instruction (see CDE’s Guidance for a list acceptable synchronous and asynchronous instruction).  
    • Further, Remote Learning Option day bell schedules must incorporate at least 20% synchronous instruction by teachers. 
  • How a Remote Learning Option day will be called and communicated (e.g., email, local radio/news announcement, student portal, etc.) 
  • Expectations and training for staff members regarding the preparations for and implementation of a Remote Learning Option day
  • Training for family members and students (how to access online instruction, how to submit assignments, etc.)
  • How devices will be distributed or the expectation for families to access devices during Remote Learning Option days

Remote Learning Day Bell Schedule* In instances where the Remote Learning Option day bell schedule does not align with the “normal” bell schedule(s) for that school, please submit the Remote Learning Option day bell schedule(s).    

Waivers of Day/Hour Requirements 

Schools that may be unable to meet the day and hour requirements due to unexpected closures for reasons such as weather, safety, or closure should implement good faith efforts to reduce lost instructional time. 

As indicated in CDE’s Calendar and Instructional Hours Guidance, good faith efforts include adjustments to the bell schedule, including reducing the lunch hour by a few minutes per day or adjusting the start or end times or by adding instructional days to the calendar. 

Schools nearing the minimum day/hour requirements may want to consider offering Remote Learning Option days in lieu of cancelling scheduled student contact days for inclement weather, safety, etc. (specific rules can be found in the CDE Calendar and Instructional Hours Guidance under the Emergency School Closures section). 

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