The purpose of the CMAS: English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science, Social Studies, and Spanish Language Arts AND the COALT: Science and Social Studies Student Biographical Data (SBD) review is to allow CSI schools the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the demographic data for each student who participated in the assessments. The review process takes place after the test window has closed and before all assessments have been scored and final results made available.
State and Federal accountability reporting (including school and district performance framework ratings, Title III AMAOs, and priority and focus school designations) all rely on accurate demographic and test score data. Therefore, the impact of the SBD review of demographic data on accountability reporting is profound. CSI schools are expected to participate in this SBD review and will be contacted each year by CSI with instructions.
For questions or support, please email the assessment coordinator at
SBD CMAS/CoAlt Resources
CSI SBD CMAS Instructions [docx]