Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility

All students, regardless of participation in a federal child nutrition program, are required to have a free or reduced lunch (FRL) eligibility status. This FRL eligibility status is used to determine the allocation of funding for state and school programs and may determine access to other assistance programs (such as summer benefits) and the waiver of student fees. Given this, it is important for all schools to encourage families to complete the applicable forms that may support an FRL eligibility determination. 


All schools are required to maintain documentation that supports each student’s free or reduced lunch eligibility. FRL eligibility status will be maintained in each school’s SIS and kept up to date throughout the year to ensure accurate data for state reporting. 


For questions or support, please email the Data Submissions Team at 

How FRL Eligibility Is Determined 

FRL Eligibility is determined in one of the following ways:

1. Federal Meal Benefit Application:

For schools participating in federal child nutrition programs, federal meal benefit applications determine a student’s FRL eligibility status.

CSI schools under this category will participate with either the CSI School Food Authority (SFA) or another district SFA. 

2 The Colorado Family Economic Data Survey (FEDS) form:

Schools NOT participating in a federal child nutrition program will use the state FEDS form to collect socioeconomic data on their students’ households and to determine FRL eligibility status. 

3. Other Designation:

Direct Certification, categorical eligibility and extended eligibility are additional ways students may be identified as FRL eligible.  

Entering FRL Data in Student Information Systems

Schools are responsible for regularly updating FRL data in their SIS. Below are SIS resources related to FRL data. 

Schools Participating in a Federal Child Nutrition Program with a School Food Authority (SFA)  Schools Not Participating in a Federal Child Nutrition Program
Application/Form SFA establishes processes for families to complete the meal benefit application after July 1 of each year, if necessary.

School establishes processes for sending out and collecting the Family Economic Data Survey (FEDS) after July 1 of each year. 

FRL Determination

SFA determines FRL eligibility using: 

  1. Meal benefit application  
  2. Direct certification*  
  3. Categorical eligibility**   
  4. Extended eligibility**   

        SFA provides determinations to the school. 

        *Schools using the CSI SFA can find more information on the SFA webpage and Direct Certification webpage. 

        **Categorical and extended eligibility may be identified at the school level but would need to be communicated to, and confirmed by, the SFA for the student to receive an updated FRL eligibility designation. 

        School staff determines FRL eligibility using: 

        1. FEDS federal eligibility guidelines: FEDS School Processing Instructions 
        2. Direct certification matches that CSI provides directly to the school: CSI Direct Certification Process 
        3. Categorical eligibility (students identified as foster, homeless, migrant, Head Start, or runaway)  
        4. Extended eligibility (students who reside in the same household as those who are directly certified)
              Data Security

              Relevant school staff must annually sign an agreement certifying their understanding of the appropriate and allowable sharing of FRL data. 

              *Schools using the CSI SFA can sign this agreement: CSI SFA Agreement [docx] 

              Relevant school staff must annually sign an agreement certifying their understanding of the appropriate and allowable sharing of FRL data: General CSI School Agreement [docx] 
              Document Management Expectations around what student-level FRL eligibility documentation is maintained at the school level and SFA level may differ by SFA. Ask your SFA to confirm.  

              School maintains student-level FRL eligibility documentation based on FEDS and extended eligibility.  

              CSI maintains student-level FRL eligibility documentation based on direct certification, and categorical eligibility. 

              Student Information System (SIS) Update SFA provides FRL eligibility to school. School updates status in SIS. See below.  School updates FRL status in SIS. See below. 

              Entering FRL Data in Student Information Systems 

              Schools are responsible for regularly updating FRL data in their SIS. Below are SIS resources related to FRL data.

              Infinite Campus 

              • Schools should access the various FRAM eligibility related help documents and training videos within Campus Community. Login required and it is highly recommended that schools sync the Campus Community tool with their IC instance. 


              • For guidance on the eligibility entry fields go to the PowerSchool SIS Colorado webpage, State Reporting Setup > Student Setup. Scroll down to the Defining Lunch Status section. For entry in the student record, select the student > Student Profile > Lunch Program. 
              • If your school uses PowerSchool for processing meal transactions, then also review meal specific information on the PowerSchool SIS – Administrator webpage under Student Menu > Student Profile > Administration, and then look under the Lunch section. 
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