Data Submissions Calendar
Information on CSI data submissions dates is available in multiple formats for school use:
- Printable Calendar: This printable, two-page Data Submissions Calendar contains main collection deadlines, including Initial Submissions, Level 1 and 2 Error Clearance, and Signed Summary Certifications among other important dates. Deadlines are established at the beginning of the school year but are subject to change.
- 23-24 Calendar [docx]
- 24-25 Calendar [docx]
- Online Calendar: CSI’s online calendar includes main collection deadlines noted above and reflects any updates made throughout the year as deadlines may change. The online calendar allows users to subscribe and to export events to a user’s own calendar.
- Weekly Update: The CSI Data Submissions Team sends a weekly email to all Data Submissions Contacts. This email (example below) includes a status table for each school, showing the progress of active data collections, initial submission receipts, Level 1 & 2 errors, and certification due dates. This weekly update provides the most up-to-date information (including collection timelines) for school contacts to access.