School Discipline

Discipline data is now collected in two files. The Discipline Action interchange file reports student level data for all state reportable discipline incidents. Data from the School Discipline collection is used to populate the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for LEAs, a collection which occurs every other year.

NEW this year, the Prevent Harassment or Discrimination periodic collection file tracks the number of formal reports received by the school, the types of bias identified, and the time taken to investigate and finalize findings for each report. The data reported is Incident Level data, not Student Level data.

For questions or support, please email 

General Resources

Visit the Data Submissions Library for:

  • Data Submissions Handbook
  • Data Submissions Calendar
  • Troubleshooting Errors

Important Announcements

All Training and resources will be posted by April 22, 2025.

1/27   An updated Discipline Action File Layout document was released by CDE to include the new Behavior Code – 00. The new file is linked below. The new Behavior Code (00) is to be used for instances of restraint or seclusion in which case a disciplinary behavior is not associated with the incident.

File Layouts

File layouts provide guidance on the valid coding and definitions for each data element being collected and include notes specific to CSI schools.

The following template may be used by schools until their Student Information System has a file extract.

Submissions Training

All school submissions contacts should review relevant training prior to starting the data collection. 

Data Validation Resources

Data validation resources should be utilized prior to submitting initial files to CSI and throughout the collection to ensure data is comprehensive and accurate. Regularly using the data validation resources will reduce the number of updates needed at the end of the collection after receiving the Summary Report.

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